Restorative Options for Worn Teeth

Are you noticing increased tooth sensitivity, translucency, or yellowing of your teeth? These could be symptoms of worn-down teeth. The gradual loss of tooth enamel can lead to various dental problems, impacting not just your oral health but also your smile’s aesthetics. Understanding worn teeth and their causes is the first step towards preserving your

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Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal: Tips and Advice

Have you been experiencing severe pain in the back of your mouth? Maybe a little difficulty opening your mouth, chewing or red and swollen gums? These all may be symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth. If you’ve been to the dentist already, and have been recommended for wisdom tooth removal, no need to panic. It

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5 Best Invisalign Alternatives: Pros and Cons

Is Invisalign the only teeth straightening treatment you have heard of other than braces? You don’t have to live with only two options if you want to straighten your teeth. While Invisalign lives up to its reputation in providing exceptional results, you now have a world of possibilities when it comes to discreet teeth straightening

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Airflow Dental: A Painless and Comfortable Way to Clean Your Teeth

The latest in modern dental technology, Airflow Dental is a hygiene technique which offers your mouth a spa treatment like no other. If you’re interested in this innovative dental hygiene treatment, read on to find out more about Airflow therapy and the many benefits it provides for your oral health. What is Airflow Dental Treatment?

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Gum Disease Prevention: Tips to Improve Gum Health

Our dental health often revolves around our teeth appearance. We diligently brush, floss, and maintain their health and aesthetics but overlook a vital aspect of our oral hygiene – our gum health. Gums support our teeth, ensuring their stability and shielding the underlying structures. Without healthy gums, the foundation of oral health can crumble. So,

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Invisalign for Teenagers: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

The teenage years are a critical stage in a child’s life, where they are navigating the transition from childhood to adulthood. As parents, we play a pivotal role in helping our teenagers build their character and navigate life’s challenges. One important aspect of their overall health is their dental well-being. Crooked or uneven teeth can

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How Holistic Dentistry Can Help Improve Your Overall Health

Have you ever wondered if there’s more to dental care than just treating the symptoms? Swollen gums, toothaches, and other dental issues can often be an indication of underlying health issues. That’s where holistic dentistry comes in. Unlike conventional dentistry, holistic dentistry takes a comprehensive approach, considering the interconnectedness of oral health with nutrition, lifestyle,

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Superior Smiles | Fremantle Dentist Perth