Invisalign Braces

Invisalign vs Braces: What is The Difference?

When researching how to get straighter teeth it can be hard to know what the different options are and which is best suited to you. Two common options to choose from are whether to get traditional braces or Invisalign. But what exactly is the difference between the two? Up until fairly recently, braces have been

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Teeth Whitening: What You Need to Know

With summer coming up, teeth whitening can be a great option to achieve a more dazzling smile for special events and to give you more confidence by reducing discolouration. There a variety of options available to whiten your teeth which are customised to suit your teeth and personal needs. With so many different products and

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Why Do My Teeth Feel Sensitive?

Does the thought of biting into a cold ice-cream send shivers up your spine? You may find your teeth feeling sensitive or painful after hot or cold food and drinks, after eating certain foods and sugary sweets, or even from being exposed to cold air. Tooth sensitivity usually occurs when the outer layer of enamel

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Why Stress is Bad for Your Teeth

Whether from deadlines, financial troubles, arguments or work issues, for many of us, stress is a part of our daily lives. But have you considered how your stress may be impacting your oral health?  Bruxism (teeth grinding) There are a number of factors that can cause teeth grinding, with stress being one of the most

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Dental Implants Perth | Bridges & Dentures

Why It Is Important to Replace Missing Teeth Losing teeth can be a frightening prospect and can, unfortunately, have repercussions far beyond the more immediate cosmetic concerns. Tooth loss commonly occurs from decay, gum disease, illness or accident. Deciding whether or not to replace missing teeth is a highly personal choice, but there are important

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Superior Nibbles – March 2018 Issue

4 Natural Ways to Tackle TMJ Notice your jaw clicking when you chew? Does your jaw get stuck open or closed? Do your ears ache? If yes, you may be experiencing Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ), a condition caused by teeth grinding, gum chewing, teeth clenching and stress. It’s associated with a number of symptoms like

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Are Your Teeth Experiencing a Sugar Sabotage?

Sugar. It’s crafty. While it shows itself in sweets, cakes and other treats, it loves to lurk in foods that you may not suspect like bread, salad dressing, spaghetti sauce and peanut butter to name a few. With so much sugar saturation, it’s not surprising that 92% of adults have tooth decay—something that’s not a

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Superior Smiles | Fremantle Dentist Perth